Mission Activated Endorsements

Leary serves on our Board and his willingness to jump in feet first and begin sharing his ideas has been a breath of fresh air. He’s an individual blessed with leadership qualities and I consider Leary to be a valued friend.

It’s rare to find a leader who possesses real authenticity, a unique ability to see and teach outside the box concepts and a genuine concern for his audience—all combined with a refreshing sense of humility. I’m honored to call Leary a dear friend.

Leary Gates is one of my favorite people in the whole world. He’s a brilliant and dynamic leader, and a visionary thinker. He connects with audiences in a warm and authentic way. But what I really love about Leary is that he connects that way personally too. When you’re done talking with him, you feel like you’ve just been with someone who really cares.

Leary Gates is setting the pace in ministry and business. When others want to know how to pursue their passion in ministry and have an incredible influence in the business world at the same time, I point them to Leary. This man is igniting transformational change in leaders at the highest levels of ministry and business.

Leary is more than a friend. He is an encourager, questioner and coach. He has been a catalyst for growth in my marriage, my calling, and my personal life. His questions, incitements and creativity have given me incentive to change old habits and develop latent gifts.

Leary has served as a strategic advisor to our firm for a number of years. He brings a seasoned, professional style that works extremely well within our firm and on behalf of our clients. In today’s challenging economic environment, many companies are looking for breakthroughs in sales and marketing. I encourage any company seeking revenue enhancement strategies to engage Leary.

Leary has been a coach, mentor, and friend. In the midst of tough times his encouragement to cut through the immediate issues of life to my dreams and passions was what I needed. To strategically develop and begin to implement a life mission is more than I thought probable or possible. I went to hear a motivational speaker and found a friend who gave direction, traction, insight, strategy, and discipline.

Leary is a strong leader with a good sense of market dynamics. His practical business sense and no-nonsense approach are valuable skills from which any organization would benefit.

Leary Gates has that rare ability when he speaks and writes to combine wit and humor with savvy and experience. His anecdotal style of teaching makes him so much fun to read, you’re usually surprised at how much you’ve learned in the process.

Leary’s workshops are rock solid, Bible-based, thought provoking, extremely creative, and lots of fun.

Leary is a consummate coach, a superlative writer, an accomplished speaker and a gifted leader. He is exceedingly effective in leading people to discover their full God-given potential in life, work and family endeavors. I consider him to be a close and valued friend and offer my highest recommendations of him as a co-laborer, leader, coach and consultant.

Leary has an unusual ability to get to the heart of a matter and help a business leader to be clear about his or her mission and strategy. He also has a gracious way of being catalytic, so that once clarity has been achieved, he inspires you to execute and follow through on your mission. I have greatly benefitted from Leary’s counsel.

Leary has been instrumental in helping Irish Titan clarify WHY we’re in business, and what course we should be charting in order to capitalize on both our talent and opportunities in the marketplace.

Leary is a dear friend who makes me nervous every time I am with him. He has an insightful edge and can see into my heart (and I’m sure other men’s too) and is wonderful at connecting God’s message for men/leaders, to today’s immediate circumstances.

As vice president of corporate communications for Cray Research in its heyday, I worked closely with Leary Gates on major marketing initiatives involving sensitive external relationships. To this day, I can think of no other marketing executive who is as incisive in his thinking, and as persistent in implementation, as Leary. He combines encyclopedic knowledge of theory with tremendous experience.

Leary has an ability to see the whole picture, dissect and drill down into areas of my business and personal life that need change in direction. He was instrumental in stepping alongside me and being my advocate, holding my feet to the fire and pushing me into new (and sometimes uncomfortable) directions. I finally feel like I’m working “on” my business rather than just working in it.