“Life is an improvisational art. We have to make it up as we go. If we are not dreaming big, we risk dying small.”
So writes John Busacker in his delightful book, Do Less, Be More: The Power of Living Fully Engaged(Freeman-Smith, 2013).
Readers of this blog know those words resonate with me. And so does John.
He and I met a few months ago and we instantly struck a chord, sharing similar passions to unleash God’s purposes in ourselves and others. When he gave me a copy of his latest book, Do Less, Be More, I was eager to read it, but like many of us, I already had a stack of books I was working my way through.
Eventually, I added it to my active reading portfolio (usually three or four at a time), from which I read one chapter in each a day. To be honest, I didn’t expect much from it; just another book from an author I met along the way. It’s size is unimpressive. There’s no research-based thesis promising breakthroughs in productivity or personal development. And, as far as I can tell, it hasn’t received significant accolades from the publishing world.
But when reading time came each morning, I found myself picking up his book first. And John’s motivational writing style and short chapters enticed me to cheat on my “one and done” rule for reading chapters.
Ironically, the book mimics its title. Its 173 pages including exercises and end-notes will breeze by quickly, fulfilling an implicit promise even by reading less so you can become more. The book is organized in three parts comprising three chapters each:
- Awareness: Are you living purposefully?
- Alignment: How does what you have and what you do match what your really want out of life?
- Action: How do you move toward an exhilarating future?
Though you can swiftly make your way through this book (which, frankly, is its primary appeal), I recommend you spend a little time on the exercises. While they lack the robustness you might need if you’re struggling with a particular area, they’re a great place to start if you’re looking to develop more awareness of the areas you need to change in order to better focus your life.
My compliments to John for putting together a really enjoyable work that I’m proud to recommend to my community of venturers.
How would you answer those three questions related to awareness, alignment, and action in your own life?
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