Welcome to my collection of recommended readings for the bold venturer.
I’ve culled through my personal library of thousands of books to highlight some of my favorites for personal venturing. (read more/less)
I’ve personally read each of these books and have written specific reviews for many of them. While I believe there is something in each book that can help you on your journey, every author writes from their own worldview and you should evaluate each book on its own merit. My recommendation should not be construed as a blanket endorsement of all of the author’s ideas, so read with discernment.
In addition to links to my reviews, you’ll find links to Amazon.com where I will receive a modest affiliate commission, at no cost to you, if you choose to purchase a book. Any purchase you make of the linked products helps offsets the costs of maintaining the free content you find on this website.
If you’ve read an exceptional book that you think would be helpful for other venturers to know about, please contact me and let me know. I’ll be adding to this list, so check back regularly or subscribe to receive my reviews and other posts.