Not sure where to begin? Here’s a selection of some of my favorite posts by topic.
5 questions to ask before you jump into that new venture

Considering a shift to a new career or launching a business. Here's five questions to ask yourself before you jump into that new venture.
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Is your mastery a mystery? “I don’t know what I’m good at.” I hear that comment a lot. I’ve often even thought it myself. There’s a lot of ...
Three questions to get strategic about your dream Which is better, being tactical or strategic? That’s a trick question and I hope you didn’t answer it too quickly. Many of us ...
5 things that shut down your idea factory You’re an idea factory. Every day a thought might run through your mind that is truly remarkable, perhaps even life-changing. It’s vital that ...
If money were no object Here’s a question you’ve likely been asked before: If money were no object, what would you do? If that question stumps you, good! ...
5 questions to ask before you jump into that new venture

Considering a shift to a new career or launching a business. Here's five questions to ask yourself before you jump into that new venture.
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Surviving the tsunami of a job loss You’ve just been hit with a tsunami. At least that how it seems now that you’ve been told that your “services are no ...
Three signs that you’re entering into a new chapter in your life Most of the time, our lives are rather routine. We can predict what we’ll be doing next year because it’s likely very similar ...
Leaving your old employer? Five tips to detoxify. If you’ve recently lost your job, it’s likely you’re asking some pretty serious questions: Why did this happen to me? What am I ...
The three worst times to quit your job and go into ministry You have a lot of skills and a lot of energy. And as a Christian, you’ve wondered if you should move into professional ...
Do you have intentionality dysfunction?

Does intentionality dysfunction have you in its guilt grip? Intentionality dysfunction is the guilt that comes from repeatedly investing in things that you want to act upon but don’t.
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Three questions to start your day There are days I wake up confused. Can you relate? Like me, you may have so many things on your plate, you don’t ...
How do you know if you’ve had a productive day? I had lunch with a friend recently and he asked a really good question: “How do you know when you’ve had a productive ...
Are you taking a break or wasting time? In the 70s and 80s, McDonald’s Corporation ran an advertising campaign proclaiming that proclaimed, “You deserve a break today.” That phrase and the catchy ...
When you resent your too many to dos A short time ago I felt a deep seated resentment brewing. But it wasn’t toward a person. I had grown resentful of my ...
How to manage your micromanager boss

Is your boss a micromanager? Here's some tips on how you can manage your sanity and their micromanagement.
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Two questions to inspire others We all love to be around inspirational people. They’re so…well…inspiring. When beaten down by the challenges of our day, truly inspirational people pick ...
Five ways to stimulate strategic thinking You’re on the move; leading an organization, or part of a team just trying to keep up. Whether you’re the one calling the ...
Why you should be a more intentional apprentice Do you practice being an apprentice intentionally? There are three very good reasons to do so.
When it’s time to fire yourself There have been more times than I care to admit when I've looked at myself in the mirror and said "I've had it ...
Three ways what you imagine can change you

Imagine--the perfect word to enter a new year and especially a new decade. What you imagine for your life in 2020 can change you. Here are three ways.
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Why I gave journaling another try Many years ago I observed that some of the people I respected the most made a habit of journaling. Intrigued, I decided to ...
Newsflash: You’re not enough and why that’s good news Let’s get one thing straight. You’re not enough. And you never will be. So stop trying to prove that you are. Stop striving ...
The relentless pursuit of better What do you want do better than anyone? Recently, I read an article where the author suggested that the answer to that question ...
Did you just hit a pothole? Someone once observed, “There are no problems, only opportunities, some of which are insurmountable.” Take a look around you. There are a lot ...
Review: “The Way Back” by Phil Cooke & Jonathan Bock

The Way Back by Phil Cooke & Jonathan Bock is a call to reexamine our attitudes and actions as believers, and reengage in ways that can truly transform our culture.
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Review: “Willpower” by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney It’s that time of year when our thoughts naturally turn to resolutions. What new habits should I undertake this year? Exercise more? Eat ...
Review: “No One Understands You” by Heidi Grant Halvorson Abraham Lincoln once said, “I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.” His comment is striking because it’s not ...
Review: “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg Benjamin Franklin once said, “Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from ...
Review: “Mindset” by Carol Dweck Mindset is not a recent book. I wish it were even less so. Written in 2006 by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck, ...