One thing I’ve found to be helpful in pursuing a venture--no matter its form--is to occasionally take a mid-flight assessment. The key question to ask is this: Is pursuing this venture the best way to steward my talents right ...
Every venture worth pursuing is going to change you. Perhaps that’s why it’s so easy just to dream about someday, and not do something about it. We resist change--and so we settle. But I don’t want to settle.
Every idea worth pursuing (whether to land a new job or start a business) is made better with people. Without others, your idea is less likely to succeed. And the likelihood that you already know the people who can ...
Research has proven that our decisions are highly affected by our emotional state. This guest post from "The Science of Selling" author David Hoffeld offers two strategies to help others overcome a negative emotional state to make better decisions. ...
Are you playing hide and seek? It’s easier to stay in hiding—to procrastinate. To not bring forth what you and I are meant to create. It's time to quit the game and say, "Olly, olly in come free."
Daniel Boone once remarked, “I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks.” We’ve all had times of confusion—when we’re not sure what to make of the situation we’re in or what to do ...
I’m surrounded by paper walls. These aren’t the walls in my home or office. Ironically, those walls somehow feel more permeable… and safe. Instead, other more invasive walls surround me. And constrain me. These are the paper walls of ...