So many ideas. So little time. So much angst. It’s time to clear out the clutter of unrealized intentions.
In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my co-host Armin Assadi and I ask What are you saving for later? Perhaps you’re putting off something important in your life: a vocational pursuit; a vacation; an exploration of deeper questions. Maybe over the years you’ve accumulated so many intentions, you’re feeling the weight of failure. If so, this is your episode, because Armin and I are pitching in to help you do a little spring cleaning on all your unrealized intentions.
Reclaim your life, declutter from your intentions, and breathe again. You’ll find some helpful suggestions on how to do that in our latest show located on the web or on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Comment below: Have you allowed yourself to be cluttered with intentions?