Are you playing hide and seek? It’s easier to stay in hiding—to procrastinate. To not bring forth what you and I are meant to create. It's time to quit the game and say, "Olly, olly in come free."
“Work fascinates me. I can stare at it for hours.” Pithy sayings, comedic and otherwise, about procrastination abound. It truly is a vexing and universal habit. In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my co-host Armin Assadi ...
Avoidance is easy. And painful. Especially when I avoid doing the very thing I’ve longed to do for a long time. That’s persistent resistance. In the latest episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my co-host Armin Assadi and I discuss How ...
Scope creep. Project managers know it well. It’s when the expected outcome of work expands well beyond the original agreement. It happens often in business and too often in our personal lives. We enlist others on our idea or ...
In my previous post, Do you feel guilty when you rest?, I made a confession: I don’t rest well. That’s because I’ve unwittingly trained my brain to view rest as an excuse to avoid work. Procrastinators are good at ...
Today on my YouTube channel: Stop procrastinating on those daunting tasks. It might help to think of them as toads. Sure, they taste bad, but the best time to eat them is first thing in the morning. Here’s why ...
Today on my YouTube channel: Want to beat procrastination? Dr. Roy Baumeister in his book Willpower reveals an effective approach used by best selling novelist Raymond Chandler. It’s called the “Nothing Alternative” and here’s how it works: If you’ve ...
Want to get more done? I sure do. I’ve always enjoyed a full plate. It seems that the more I have to do, the more I get done. And I love the feeling of getting things done. Managing multiple ...