God’s works are so great, worth a lifetime of study—endless enjoyment!”Psalm 111:2 (The Message)
When I was in college, the idea of “study” was not something I put high on my list of enjoyable activities. Yet, the Hebrew word translated as “study” in this verse carries with it the idea of frequent and diligent inquiry—a pondering. That kind of study engages the senses, the heart, the mind and the spirit. “How can I see God in what’s happening here?” it asks. God loves to be sought in this way (Jer 29:13). And in return, He promises a lifetime of enjoyment.
Your thoughts? What are ways you can practice some good pondering today?
Hey Leary,
just catching up on some of the BLOG topics on some sites before the Super Bowl. Pondering, studying Gods words have changed in recent years for me. What has changed it, in light of some difficult years? As I have struggled the two questions I always ask myself each morning are: (1) What/who do I love the most? and (2) What were my idols yesterday?
WHen Jesus appeared for the last time to the disciples and after Peter pulled a Forest Gump and jumped out of the boat… He asked Peter 3 times Do you love me?
Our will will always follow what it worships (First commandment). A Christ-centered vision then gives us the will to worship the right things first…. to worship the creator and not created things.
So I guess to my point, a heart with the right priorites and Christocentric vision is what drives my heart to study and ponder Gods word and to have a Christ-centered vision,
Hey Jon! That’s a good word. Our treasure will indeed be where are our heart is. The two questions you ask are great! Thanks for sharing them.