He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”– Epictetus
Health scientists say that memory loss is a normal part of the aging process. For me, I think it’s worse now than when I was younger, but I can’t be sure. I’ve actually never been this old before. But one thing I’m pretty sure about. I’ve always had selective memory. The kind that remembers all too well the things I don’t have and forgets the things that I do. Gratitude restores selective memory loss. A daily dose of gratitude is medicine for the brain and healing for the soul.
Your thoughts? What are some of the blessings you’ve taken for granted?
Very well put. I think behooves us to stop and take inventory of what we DO have and all the great things we’ve been blessed with (large and small). I know that in our household, we’re faced with some challenges with regards to the housing market, our expanding family, and spacial issues — but it doesn’t take long to stop and realize just how much we’ve been blessed with to help ease the worries and concerns of what we DON’T have.
Great reminder!