Recently a friend of mine told me that what he needed most right now was a roadmap. Not for the road, but for his life. Successful in business endeavors, he was now trying to figure out what God might want him to do next. Apprehensive to take a step without a roadmap, he asked my advice. “Just take the next step you can see,” I told him. Since, as Christians, we are to “live by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7), the most clarity we can expect is to see the next step. The lamp David had in mind when he penned this psalm shed only enough light to ensure that he was still on the path. And so it is with us. Out of destination anxiety, we often strain our eyes look so far down the path that we blind ourselves to the next step we need to take.
Your thoughts? Is destination anxiety keeping you from seeing your next step?
Faith, in the next step, is good. People of good intentions can have confidence in guidance of family, friends their communities of faith as well as their own judgment that they will make good choices.
In addition, an element that I think is valuable for anyone, is to determine what you have passions for. Taking time to identify what get’s your eyes to brighten, and how you would like to contribute, can be a valuable part of anyone’s “road map” for life. We can all hope to wake up each morning, energized and excited by the challenges and adventures of the day.
Good word, Mac. Thanks for adding to today’s thought!