Today on my YouTube channel:
You know your ABC’s, right? Of course you do.
You may know them so well, in fact, that they may keep you from pursuing your dream. Don’t let linear thinking keep you from doing something, even if it’s a messy step toward your dream.
Read my post on this topic to explore this concept further.
What linear steps might you be holding you back from pursuing your dream?
Enjoyed the video this morning Leary!
My path through life has had a number of non-obvious or non-linear steps. One of the side effects of that is I have come to embrace the discomfort of the newbie. That stage where nearly everything is new and you can feel the learning happening day by day.
Once a person has achieved competence or even expertise in one area and begun to enjoy the fruits of that expertise (i.e. respect, admiration, money etc.) it can feel really scary to deliberately step into that place where you are not the expert. Asking for help rather than giving it. Searching rather than declaring. Exploring rather than guiding. And, temporarily failing rather than achieving. But I have found the rewards over the long haul outweigh the short-term discomfort. Eventually the bumbling newbie gives way to the competent journeyman and if you persist in that path maybe even grows into a master craftsman.
Cross-disciplinary mastery leads to new insights and innovation.
I think you’re on to something Mike. It’s especially important to embrace non-linear thinking when stepping into new things. And shouldn’t we always be stretching ourselves in that way? Thanks for commenting.