Kindling from the web:
Pre-fail checklist. Most entrepreneurs fail. In fact, you shouldn’t probably become one if you’re unaccustomed to failure. But, no matter what your venture is, it’s wise to know where you might stumble. Forbes offers this fast list of 10 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Fail. Consider it your pre-fail checklist. (The idea being, of course, to avoid these things.)
Take a stand for work? Turns out that all those studies about the health benefits of standing desks—or treadmill ones—may not be so conclusive after all. In an article titled Stand To Work If You Like, But Don’t Brag About The Benefits, NPR reports on a review of best studies on that topic and found the data to be inconclusive. “In fact, there isn’t really any evidence that standing is better than sitting.” I’m not so sure inclusive results like this are something we should take lying down.
Take 5 to find fulling work. The folks at the School of Life have created an excellent video on How to Find Fulling Work. Drawing upon some of the ideas presented in Roman Krznaric’s book of the same title (read my review), this 5-minute video suggests six steps you can take to find meaningful work. If nothing else, just knowing you’re not alone in the quest for fulfillment may help quell your career anxiety. The British narration doesn’t hurt either.
Latest personal kindling:
Drive to discontent. Are you a driven person? Are you content? Those don’t need to be mutually exclusive. In our latest Reinventure Me podcast my co-host Armin Assadi and I ask the question Can drive and contentment coexist?
“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.”
— Henry Ford
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