The writer Mike Mason defined having expectations of others as “premeditated resentment.” It’s an open invitation to future disappointment or worse. At least, that’s the cultural wisdom of our day.
Of course, disappointment is plenteous, for no one can meet every expectation. But when expectations aren’t met, and disappointment and resentment arises, do we pause long enough to evaluate whether we properly set them in the first place?
In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my co-host Armin Assadi begin a two-part series on expectations. In this episode, How to have great expectations of others, we talk about how to set great expectations of others—those that avoid expecting either too much or too little. And we set the stage for next week’s episode on the granddaddy of setting expectations—how to set great expectations for ourselves.
If you’ve ever experienced disappointment with others—and I know you have—this episode will arm you with some questions to ask yourself so that you can have truly great expectations of others in the future. Find our latest show on the web or on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Comment below: What are some of the way’s you’ve managed your expectations of others?