Does God have a plan for our work, even when that work isn’t done at a church or religious organization? That’s the question Leah Archibald and her team at the Theology of Work ask everyday — and it’s a question she explores with us on the podcast.
Leah Archibald and the Theology of Work Project team reach more than two-million Christians a year with their message: that God cares about our daily work and that we can bring Biblical principles to work with us, even if we don’t work at a church or religious institution.
In our latest BoldIdea Podcast interview with Leah, Armin and I chat with her about what it means to have a calling and the three “C”s Leah points to for people to evaluate their decision-making in their workplace.
Hear how Leah is encouraging us all to lay aside the anxiety we have surrounding the world “calling” in our latest episode 104 Leah Archibald on discerning the call to work.
Comment below: Does the idea of having a “calling” from God make you anxious? If so, how can you reframe the idea of having a calling to bring you more joy in God’s goodness?