It happens to all of us. Too many “yeses” and suddenly we’re in a pickle; there’s not enough time to dispatch all the commitments we’ve made. What to do? Often, our first instinct is to start off-loading. We cancel ...
Is it possible to increase your strategic capacity? To think more creatively and strategically about your business and life? Over the last several years I’ve been coaching executives to do that very thing. This week I launched the website ...
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Never confuse motion with action.” It’s easy to get consumed by things to do—but is all that motion taking you to the somewhere you want to go? Earlier this week I had the opportunity to ...
Would you like to get more margin in your day? Would you like to be at your productive best? Then simply practice a little gratitude. In his TEDx talk, the happiness researcher Shawn Achor observes, “Your brain at positive is ...