Oh, how often I’ve thought about having a face-to-face with God! There’s so much I want to ask and need to learn. Yet, when I ponder Whitman’s observation, I’m struck by its simple truth. Although people are not God, we are all made in his image (Gen 1:27). When I take time to intentionally be present with people, I too can see a dim reflection of God (1 Cor 13:12). Each man, each woman, each child are part of a kaleidoscope of God’s creativity. Yet, to see God in them demands that I respect, not use, them. To see God in them demands that I pause to listen, lest something important be missed. To see God in them demands my being open to their ideas, their perspectives, and their unfamiliar ways. Since God demands these attitudes when I come to Him, why should it surprise me to find Him in the faces of others that I approach in the same way?
Your thoughts? What are ways you practice seeing God in others?