Is there any doubt that “instant” is a prized value in our Western society? Fast-food. Speed-dating. Instant messaging. If fast is good, faster is better. Steeped in this adrenaline inspiring culture, I often make commitments the same way—quickly. I’ve discovered that my enthusiasm about a new idea can often lead me to make a commitment that I wouldn’t otherwise make if I had slowed down enough to evaluate it carefully. It seems that all too often I find myself sacrificing the larger commitments—life purpose pursuits—at the altar of drive-by opportunities. Seldom are these immediate opportunities as important, or rewarding. Yet, they come quickly and furiously—and loudly. In the midst of this onslaught, larger pursuits wait quietly for a time when I slow down enough to think and act slowly.
Your thoughts? When was the last time you gave yourself permission to think slowly about your commitments?
Hey, Bro
I love this one, especially (not with work) I act quickly on some things and need to do a little more pondering.
I look forward each and every day to your “wisdom” for the day. You’ve become such a motivating writer, I’m so proud of you. 🙂
Your big, no, no, no, your older, no no, no,,,,your sister MA
Ah, shucks….Thanks Mary Ann! Glad you liked it and always good to hear from you.