Every job is a transaction. Your work in exchange for a paycheck, benefits and, hopefully, a meaningful assignment. But every job also extracts hidden fees—hidden only our inattention to their presence.
In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my co-host, Armin Assadi and I discuss three hidden fees that you and I pay when we work:
- The availability fee which keep us ever at the ready to respond to work demands.
- The creativity fee which limits our thinking through environmental conditioning.
- The income fee which keeps us from considering alternatives that may better aligned with our skills and interests
Left unchecked, each of these fees take a toll on our vitality and can make us more prone to fatigue, anger, resentment and a sense of hopelessness about our future.
We explain each of these in the How to know your job’s hidden fees podcast. Take a listen, then comment on this post or the show notes and let us know your thoughts.
What steps have you taken to limit these fees in your life?