Boy, if I only had a clone. Imagine how much more I could get done.
Let’s pull on that thread for a minute. Just imagine that you can make a carbon copy of yourself and put them to work on all the stuff you have to do. Would they follow you?
I got to wondering about that for my own imaginary clone. If he’s like me—and, by definition he would be—he’ll be rearing to go, to dig in and get stuff done. I wondered how I might react to seeing myself at work as a member of my own team.
- Would I appreciate their view? Or would I discount it or even argue against it, as I often do in my own head?
- Would I delegate to them the things they would enjoy doing? Or would I only rid myself of the stuff I don’t like without regard for their engagement in the task?
- Would I publicly give them credit for an accomplishment even if it was “my” idea? Or would I play down their accomplishments or seek to claim the honor as their leader?
Sure, it would be fun to have a clone for awhile. Until they bolted under my “leadership.” Then I’d learn what it truly means to lead.
“One who would lead others, first must be the master of self.” Philip Massinger, 17th century playwright
What leadership traits would your clone test with you?