Let’s face it. Most of us have more ideas than we could ever hope to accomplish in one lifetime. I even created a tee-shirt to express that creative angst.
Oliver Wendell Holmes famously wrote:
“Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it time runs out.”
Over the last few years, I’ve felt my own sense of urgency increase as God has pressed upon me the delight of fully investing the gifts He’s entrusted to me. So much of my life, I fear, has been spent “getting ready to live” as Holmes put’s it—pondering wonderful tomorrow’s without taking action today.
It’s this recognition that prompted me to create the Dream Intensive Workshops several years ago and now, to take it to a richer level: the Dream Intensive Mastermind groups. A “mastermind group” is not a new concept. For hundreds of years, successful leaders in business, politics and ministry have organized into purposeful accountability groups to push themselves to new levels. They do it primarily for three reasons:
- Even great ideas cannot be sustained without community. Scott Belsky, the CEO of Behance, puts it succinctly: “Most ideas are born and lost in isolation.” We are never meant to pursue our dreams alone. The intentionality of a mastermind brings likeminded people together to sustain great ideas.
- Even great leaders need accountability. Internal resistance is often the greatest obstacle to achieving an outcome. Going on record with others who share your aspirations to unleash what God has put within them provides a structure for accountability and mutual success.
- Even the most inspired need inspiration. You may be an eternal optimist—like me—but somewhere along the way you’ll get discouraged and want to throw in the towel. That’s because no worthy pursuit is instant and without suffering. When the challenges loom larger than your energy, when you start to question if your pursuit is really the call of God on your life, you need the kind of practical encouragement that can only come from a group of committed believers who are, like you, trusting God for their dreams.
If you’re drawn to the idea of being part of a mastermind group like this, I invite you to check out the Dream Intensive Mastermind program. Throughout the month of May, I’ll be taking applications and matching people based on their dream pursuit into groups that will kick-off in June.
If you’re serious about moving on that dream God has given you, visit the Dream Intensive Mastermind website and submit your no obligation application to join.
What music is still within you?