As you ponder next year, ask yourself: How can I be a person of deep influence?
Inescapably, you’ll conclude that having lasting and resonant influence takes more than simply polishing your leadership skills and technique. You must go deeper.
My friend and leadership expert T.J. Addington put it well during our interview with him on the latest episode of the Reinventure Me podcast. “Good leadership comes out of a deep reservoir of the leader’s heart and mind.” In our episode titled How to be a person of deep influence Armin Assadi and I talk with T.J. about his upcoming book, Deep Influence, and about what it means to be a person of deep influence.
Don’t begin the new year without giving thought to how you can grow your influence through unseen practices to cultivate your heart and mind. You’ll find our latest episode on the web or on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Comment below: What are some of the traits you’ve seen in leaders with deep influence?