Saying ‘no’ doesn’t come easy for me. For most of my life I’ve wanted to please people. I needed their approval to feel good about myself.
Learning how to set personal boundaries hasn’t been easy but it’s been critical skills to preserving my vitality.
In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my co-host Armin Assadi and I talk about personal boundaries; what they are, why they are important, and how to create healthy ones. The episode, How to set personal boundaries is packed with our stories—some funny, some tragic, as explore the way boundaries or the lack of them can affect our vitality.
If you’ve had a hard time saying “no” or are wondering if and how to set a boundary with another, check out our latest show. You’ll find it on the web or on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Comment below: What strategies have you used to set boundaries with another?