It’s likely to happen at some point in your career. You find you’re in a cul-de-sac—there’s nowhere to go.
In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my co-host Armin Assadi and I talk about those times when going forward is just not a good option. In our latest episode, The mental game plan for rebuilding your future, we offer five truths that are helpful to remember in those times when you need to take another road.
If you’re feeling burned out, discouraged, or already determined to step out in a new direction, our latest episode may inspire you with some truths worth remembering and give you a mental game plan for rebuilding your future. Find our latest show on the web or on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Comment below: What are some of the truths you remind yourself?
Hi Leary, love the Reinventure podcasts you did! I myself have been thinking about making another occupation change after my previous two unsuccessful attempts. So I particularly look forward to hearing what you had to say in this 82th episode. But the audio only has less than 9 minutes, the same on Itunes. Is it possible to renew this one? Wish you all the best!
Hey Danny! Thanks for listening and thanks for letting me know about that problem. Had no idea. Should be fixed now. Please let me know if you have further problems. Enjoy the episode! Keep me posted on your adventure.
Thank you Leary for your fast response! The audio is okay now. Many thanks for the work you and Armin have done.
Super! Thanks again.