One of the top downloads of the Reinventure Me podcast this past year, was the episode, my co-host, Armin Assadi and I did about shame. Based on the feedback I personally received about it, it struck a chord.
In this week’s episode we look at How shame affects leadership. Yours and theirs. Leaders are especially prone to the affects of shame—that sense of being utterly defective—and the need to disprove it can drive them to unhealthy behaviors in the workplace and at home. We explore some of the affects shame has on leadership and offer three strategies to become more shame-resilient.
If you’re a leader (and you know you are) or you work with a leader who you suspect may be dealing with shame in their own life, you may find this episode helpful to understand what might be going on. You’ll find our latest show on the web or on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Comment below: What are some of the affects of shame that you’ve seen in leaders?