Kindling from the web:
What you can learn from a millennial. For all the criticism about millennials, there’s a great deal to be learned from the way they approach work. Writing for Inc Magazine, Bill Murphy describes 10 really smart things successful millennials do. Maybe you can learn sometime more than insanity from your kids after all.
Beware the low-hanging fruit. It’s so embedded in business vernacular, we don’t even think about it. Pick the low-hanging fruit. That’s the no-brainer, easy stuff. Turns out, there’s one problem with that idea. According to real fruit pickers, it’s a terrible idea. Priceonmics asks, “Should you literally pick the low-hanging fruit?” Now, you’re armed with a good reason to make your colleagues think twice about using that potent-sounding cliche.
Love your business again. Having my own company for the past twenty years, I know how easy it is to fall out of love with it—and with myself. In fact, I’ve fired myself more than once. So, I could really relate to these 6 ways to fall in love with your business again, from Forbes. A gift for you, just in time for Valentines Day.
Latest personal kindling:
Leveraging LinkedIn. My social media marketing guru friend, Viveka von Rosen, joined me on a 11-minute Reinventure Me Toolbox podcast to talk about why you should use LinkedIn Publisher. Think you don’t need to? Her answers might just change your mind.
Say what? In case you were lost in thought and missed it, the latest Reinventure Me episode offers a self-talk survival guide to help you clean up that stinkin’ thinking.
And in honor of Albert Einstein, whose gravitational wave theory was confirmed this week…
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
— Albert Einstein
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