Have you taken the StengthsFinder test? Do you know your top five strengths (or talents)?
Despite my general aversion to assessment instruments (read my post on the dangers), it’s one test that gave me some valuable insights on my most prominent talents. And now, those insights are even easier to see.
In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, Armin and I interview John Warder, Founder of Top Ten Talents Group and self-professed assessment junkie. He coaches his clients utilizing a color profiling system developed by CoreClarity to bring new insights into StrengthsFinder results. In our episode, A new way to look at your strengths, we talk with John about assessment instruments, strengths, and how the color profiling system can add a new insight to understanding your top talents.
If you want to dive a little deeper into understanding your top talents, you’ll enjoy the energy and insights John has about StrengthsFinder. And you’ll especially want to take him up on his offer that he describes at the end of the program. Find our latest show on the web or on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Comment below: If you’ve taken the StrengthsFinder assessment, how has it helped you?
And I meant Leary!!! I think that was Apple’s fault!