I’ve studied introverts for over 36 years now. That how long I’ve been married to Anna—my best friend and an introvert.
As as extrovert, I’ve grown to appreciate the richness of advantages she’s brought to our marriage. And she’s taught me some pretty important leadership lessons to help me understand and help unleash the advantages introverts bring to the workplace.
In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, Armin and I discuss What extroverts need to know about introverts. We look at some of the myths about introverts—they are more prevalent than you might think—and we offer some tips, if you’re an extreme extrovert like we are, on how to work and live with them.
You may not live with an introvert, but it’s highly likely you work with one. If you’re an extrovert, I invite you to give our show a listen for some helpful tips to understand them better. If you’re an introvert, I invite you to add to our understanding by commenting below or at our show page. Find our latest show on the web or on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Comment below: If you’re an introvert, what tips would you give an extrovert?