I love starting things. That’s no surprise. I’ve started several businesses and ministries and have advised companies on how to launch new ventures. You might say I’m a bit of a “what’s next” junkie. I even co-host a podcast ...
The comic strip character Pogo once parodied a U.S. Navy Commodore’s message by saying, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” That sentiment aptly sums up many of the challenges I’ve wrestled with over the years. ...
Think about this. We spend a great deal of our lives thinking. Thinking far too much about ourselves—How do I fit in? What value do I bring? What do they think of me? And thinking far too poorly—we either ...
A quintet of killers are after your dream. And they may be nearer than you think. The comic strip character Pogo once observed, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” These silent assassins are often found collaborating ...