I prefer to be overwhelmed than stuck. At least when I’m overwhelmed I know the direction I’m pushing the ball. When I’m stuck, everything comes into question. And everything gets very personal. In this week’s episode of the ...
“Things always take longer than they do.” Some wise guy said that and it’s certainly felt that way in my life. I’ll set a goal, start out with enthusiasm, then get stuck. Usually, I can muster up the energy ...
Recently a new friend told me he thought he was stuck. His dream transition wasn’t taking shape the way he thought it would. After he explained his situation, I told him I didn’t think he was stuck. Instead, like ...
If uncertainty were a publicly traded company, I’d be a wealthy man, for I’ve owned my share, sold some, and bought more. But I’ve never divested. I’m a long time shareholder in Uncertainty Corp. and I expect to be ...