One thing I’ve found to be helpful in pursuing a venture--no matter its form--is to occasionally take a mid-flight assessment. The key question to ask is this: Is pursuing this venture the best way to steward my talents right ...
Is 2016 your year to finally start your own business? If so, there’s some things you need to know before you go. In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my co-host Armin Assadi and talk about the ...
Of the many issues I’ve struggled with over my life, how to integrate my many interests has been among the most vexing. I know I’m not alone. Many of my friends and colleagues, like me, pursue a variety of ...
Congratulations graduate. You did it. You’ll hear those words a lot on graduation day, followed by the inevitable, “What’s next?” That question might provoke excitement as you eagerly share your grand plans or anxiety or even discouragement if ...