So many ideas… so little time. That sums up pretty well my creative angst. I love what I do. So much so that often I find it hard to relax. In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, ...
“Work fascinates me. I can stare at it for hours.” Pithy sayings, comedic and otherwise, about procrastination abound. It truly is a vexing and universal habit. In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my co-host Armin Assadi ...
It happens to all of us. Too many “yeses” and suddenly we’re in a pickle; there’s not enough time to dispatch all the commitments we’ve made. What to do? Often, our first instinct is to start off-loading. We cancel ...
The College Football Hall of Fame coach, Lou Holtz once said, "When all is said and done, more is said than done."
How true. And how convicting. I'm embarrassed by the commitments I have broken over the years. The ones ...
What do we rely upon daily to reach our goals but seldom notice? Structure. Structure is our internal and external support system. It’s the processes and people we depend upon to be successful, but we seldom pay attention to ...
Julia Cameron wrote, “Creativity is God’s gift to us. Our use of it is our gift back to God.” If so, some of us are not very giving. We don’t intentionally cultivate our creative power. In the latest episode of ...
Delegation. That word needs to come out of the corporate box and into our everyday lives. For when we transform the way we think about it, moving from the act of delegating tasks to developing a delegative mindset, we ...
Jim Rohn has described discipline as the “bridge between goals and accomplishment.” It’s a fact few of us would deny. Work hard. Persevere. Achieve results. Yet, how can we grow in our self-discipline? The answer lies in knowing how our ...
It was such a small mountain, I hadn’t really given it much notice. But every day it occupied my view. It didn’t start that way. Its foundations were formed on a handful papers brought home from my other office. ...