Burnout. It’s that heavy emotional and physical exhaustion that you feel from prolonged stress. Stay in it long enough and you’ll not only lose sleep, you’ll lose resilience and vitality in your overall health.
Over the course of my career, I’ve driven myself to burnout many times. It’s not a good thing. I suffer and so do those who have to live and work with me. In this week’s episode of the Reinventure ...
Is it possible to increase your strategic capacity? To think more creatively and strategically about your business and life? Over the last several years I’ve been coaching executives to do that very thing. This week I launched the StrategicCEO.com website ...
Is your job a nightmare or a dream? I suspect every job is a blend of both. Some days are more dreamy; others more like a nightmare, making you dread going to work. Even as self-employed entrepreneur designing my ...
You have a lot of skills and a lot of energy. And as a Christian, you’ve wondered if you should move into professional Christian ministry. Perhaps, for a long time you’ve toyed with quitting your job and going to ...