How much are you paying to work at your job? Paying to work for someone seems silly, right? Sure, we might say we love our jobs so much that we’d pay to work there, but we don’t really mean it. ...
I can be a stickler for detail. More than once my wife has called me “Mr. Exactitude” after correcting a detail in a conversation we might be having. She even bought a replica of the famous Exactitude poster by ...
Sherlock Holmes is arguably one of the greatest minds that never was. His detective prowess, an invention of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, has intrigued and entertained millions since it first appeared in 1887. Now that great abductive apparatus, Sherlock’s ...
How can a book on sales help you discover and act on your dream? In my last post, I reviewed NY Times best selling author, Dan Pink’s latest work, To Sell Is Human. The central thesis of that book ...
“The question is not, ‘Do you have an imagination?’,” writes McNair Wilson in his latest book Hatch. “The question is, ‘Do you use your imagination, your natural sense of wonder and curiosity, to make a difference?'” Wilson, a former ...
When I worked at the supercomputer manufacturer Cray Research we had our share of challenges. During one particularly stressful time, one of my colleagues declared sarcastically: “I eat chaos for breakfast!” I sure hoped he was hungry, because we ...