When you get together with your friends, do you play more than catch-up? Do you intentionally seek ways to inspire them? Recently our family had a crazy week. Two separate car accidents in less than a week totaled two ...
The world is watching how we live our lives. From whom do we take our cues? Are we passively following the flow of the world's value systems or actively going counter-culture as Jesus did? Where are our true loyalties? ...
We all hit potholes in the road of life; those times when, in our exasperation, we cry out to God, "Why?" Why are you doing this to me? At its core lies a question of faith—is God for us ...
Recently, my wife, Anna, presented me with a gift: a new stereo for my car. Having gone without a functioning stereo system for awhile, I warmly welcomed it and couldn’t wait to it get installed. It had all the ...