Are you growing as a leader?

Are you growing as a leader?
Henry Ford famously said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” As a leader, you know how important learning is to stay ahead of the game. You’ve got to be ...

Venturing 101 for new college grads

Venturing 101 for new college grads
Congratulations graduate. You did it. You’ll hear those words a lot on graduation day, followed by the inevitable, “What’s next?”   That question might provoke excitement as you eagerly share your grand plans or anxiety or even discouragement if ...

Five ways to be a better beginner

If you’re like many Americans, you’ve already made your 2014 resolutions. And by their very nature, it’s likely that your resolutions will have you trying something new—or something old in a new way. According to the research reported in ...

That which makes me stupid

That which makes me stupid
Ever read something that left you feeling stupid? This did it for me: “…the only possible patterns for English foot, discounting riders and other syncopations, are iambic, trochaic, dactylic, anapestic, and amphibrachic.” —John Gardner, The Art of Fiction I ...

Have you disabled your learning?

Have you disabled your learning?
In one significant way, we all have a learning disability. By design. And by our choice. Let me explain. By design, our brains are wired for speed. Over 100 billion neurons, connected by one quadrillion synapses, process approximately 100 ...