And…the race is on.
Have you noticed that everyone’s an optimist this time of year? The “happy” of a new year is infectious. We stoke our imagination with the changes we’ll make, the new goals we’ll pursue. This year will be different. Even though we may have said that last year, and the year before.
But regardless of what happened in the past, you already control four game changers that can make a difference in how you attain the goals you’ve set for this year.
- You control your use of time. You set your priorities and how you will work. For sure, there will be unforeseen circumstances that you must respond to. Attending to that flat tire that happens on your way to work, or a chronic health need of a loved one, can’t be rescheduled or delegated. But few of us spend the majority of our day attending to circumstances beyond our control. What you work on and how you work is your choice—and only yours.
- You control your attitude. There is a way you do what you do. The attitude you choose to bring to your work and to the people around you can either inspire or discourage. It takes more energy to maintain a caustic and critical attitude than it does to be grateful, even when you feel overwhelmed and ready to quit. Be the gratitude you want to see in others.
- You control who you spend time with. Few goals worth pursuing can be done alone. At the very minimum you’ll need others to inspire you onward. By meeting new people, you invest in your future self. And when you engage in deeper conversations and meaningful experiences with those you already love, you invest in them too.
- You control the way in which you learn. Henry Ford once said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” How young do you want to be this year? You have control over what you read, what courses you take and the changes you make to your routine to sharpen your saw.
Isn’t it nice to own such an arsenal of game changers?
Comment below: What’s are other game changers in your arsenal?