Every idea worth pursuing (whether to land a new job or start a business) is made better with people. Without others, your idea is less likely to succeed. And the likelihood that you already know the people who can ...
This Venture Kindling post feature short bits of information I’ve tripped across or developed that can help you light a fire or revive a fire for your venture. Kindling from the web: Going old-school to learn. Research continues to affirm the value ...
This Venture Kindling post feature short bits of information I’ve tripped across or developed that can help you light a fire or revive a fire for your venture. Kindling from the web: Top 20 venture hot-spots. More than $42B of venture ...
“He knows how to work a room.” Often, that’s used to describe someone who’s overly boisterous and shallow. But really knowing how to work a room is a valuable asset. In this week’s episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, ...
Marketers know the law of reciprocity. Give something away and the receiver is inclined to reciprocate in some way. It’s not a new concept. Jesus talked about it with His disciples. Yet, so many of us still in engage ...
And…the race is on. Have you noticed that everyone’s an optimist this time of year? The “happy” of a new year is infectious. We stoke our imagination with the changes we’ll make, the new goals we’ll pursue. This year ...
Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” If true, it follows that the most inspiring leaders will be those who help others become what ...
Does the idea of networking like a pro offend you? Perhaps you think of that networking meet-up you attended and vowed never to return to again. You’re done wasting your time on a roomful of desperate business people with ...
You might be working like a dog, but are you networking like one? I get a lot of requests to network and enjoy it. It’s one of the thrilling parts of my vocation. I particularly enjoy reconnecting with folks ...
Many aspire to be great leaders, but few give much thought to being a great apprentice. But how do you become a more intentional apprentice? How can you get the most out of a relationship with a mentor?