Managing upward has never been easy. It’s especially challenging when you are working for someone who has poorly developed leadership and communications skills. Is there ever hope for change? Is it possible to inspire better leadership from your boss?
That’s the topic that my co-host Armin Assadi and I discuss in our most recent episode of the Reinventure Me podcast. In this episode titled How to inspire better leadership from your boss, we talk about the mindset we need to adopt and the things we can do to gain influence with our superiors and to create a favorable environment for receiving input from us.
If you find yourself working for someone who’s perplexing, frustrating, or just in need of a little good leadership guidance, listen to our episode on how to become more winsome to affect change. You’ll find this latest episode on the web or on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Comment below: What approaches have you taken to inspire better leadership from your boss?