Apply yourself to your venture or career long enough and a time will come when learning slows. When that happens, you’re at the top of your S-curve and it may be time to catch a new wave—to disrupt yourself. In ...
A sales leader recently approached me and asked me to speak to his sales organization. I love speaking to sales people. They need encouragement, for fewer professions, if done right, encounters more “no’s” than sales. Like any good sales ...
One of the greatest challenges to embarking on something entirely new in our lives is how to get there while still maintaining our present responsibilities. Is is possible to pivot in place? In our latest episode of the Reinventure Me podcast, my ...
Today I’m excited to announce the launch of a new podcast. The Reinventure Me podcast is all about life’s transitions, whether from one job or career to another or from one season to the next. With each episode, my ...
Generations ago your vocation was fixed for life. Few entertained the idea, or had the opportunity and means to change careers. Now both are commonplace. According the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average fifty-year old today has changed jobs ...
Dreaming isn’t hard. Pursuing one is. A dream, at least a noble one, invariably involves something new. Realizing it requires redirection. These kinds of dreams, the ones that lift our spirits, seldom fall on our path. Instead, they provoke ...
When did the present chapter in your life begin? Was it provoked by a job change? A relocation? A health crisis? An empty nest? How do you know when you’re about to enter a new chapter in your life? ...
There's something about the end of the year and the anticipation of the next that makes us optimistic of great change and blessing. And when the enthusiasm fades, there's something worth remembering to rekindle it.