Abraham Lincoln once said, “I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.” His comment is striking because it’s not what we typically experience. All of us have found ourselves on the receiving end of being ...
Let’s get one thing straight. You’re not enough. And you never will be. So stop trying to prove that you are. Stop striving and demanding perfection in yourself. Only God is perfect. He made you as an image, not ...
Which is better, being tactical or strategic? That’s a trick question and I hope you didn’t answer it too quickly. Many of us tend to view these as in conflict with each other. Often we may find ourselves so ...
Most of the time, our lives are rather routine. We can predict what we’ll be doing next year because it’s likely very similar to last year. Routine is not a bad thing. Predictability helps us be more effective and ...
I had lunch with a friend recently and he asked a really good question: “How do you know when you’ve had a productive day?” In the past I would have dismissed that question with the obvious answer: “When I’ve knocked ...
You’re on the move; leading an organization, or part of a team just trying to keep up. Whether you’re the one calling the shots or the one receiving them, you can’t afford to not be thinking strategically. Strategic thinking ...