Mindset is not a recent book. I wish it were even less so. Written in 2006 by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Random House) describes two ways of thinking about our capabilities. ...
Here’s a question you’ve likely been asked before: If money were no object, what would you do? If that question stumps you, good! It’s a stupid question and you shouldn’t answer it because it’s built on three rather faulty ...
You have a lot of skills and a lot of energy. And as a Christian, you’ve wondered if you should move into professional Christian ministry. Perhaps, for a long time you’ve toyed with quitting your job and going to ...
A short time ago I felt a deep seated resentment brewing. But it wasn’t toward a person. I had grown resentful of my to dos. Every morning, it seemed, I filled my journal carping about what needed to get ...
Someone once observed, “There are no problems, only opportunities, some of which are insurmountable.” Take a look around you. There are a lot of guys facing what looks like insurmountable opportunities. You may be one of them. Even if ...