This Venture Kindling post feature short bits of information I’ve tripped across or developed that can help you light a fire or revive a fire for your venture. Kindling from the web: Time to quit your dream? Writing for Harvard Business ...
I'm told by others I'm headstrong. (I don't think they're referring to my intellect.)
Perseverance is a terrific quality until you continue to pursue something you should really not. Then it's stubbornness.
Getting your dream to take flight is hard work. Whether its leading a business, or writing a book, launching a new career, or developing a new competence, it takes time to cultivate the momentum that makes you feel like ...
Are you a good quitter? It’s likely there are some pursuits you should be quitting: Those you’ve outgrown as evidenced by your discontent. Those that are better done by others, who can’t or won’t because you’re doing it. ...
You are a one-off—a one-of-a-kind blend of skill, personality, drive and passion. There’s nothing new to the idea that each of us is a unique creation. In fact, the folks at made fun of it in their “demotivational” ...