One thing I’ve found to be helpful in pursuing a venture--no matter its form--is to occasionally take a mid-flight assessment. The key question to ask is this: Is pursuing this venture the best way to steward my talents right ...
I love starting things. That’s no surprise. I’ve started several businesses and ministries and have advised companies on how to launch new ventures. You might say I’m a bit of a “what’s next” junkie. I even co-host a podcast ...
The beginning of greatest mission ever accomplished is celebrated on December 25th by Christians all around the world. As we look to a new year, and perhaps a new beginning for ourselves, what can we learn from that greatest ...
I know. It’s seems awfully early to be talking about 2015 already. Snow (ahem) hasn’t even yet begun to fly. But today, I’m announcing next year’s Dream Intensive workshops. That’s three months earlier than ever before. And there’s a ...
When it comes to pursuing a new venture, you can make one of two errors (I’ve made both). You may either throw caution to the wind and dive in with both feet, blindly trusting everything will work out; or, you can sit on the ...
There’s something of a great venture inside each one of us. I’d like to help you unlock yours. If you’ve been thinking about a new business or ministry idea, stepping out on your own as a solo-prenuer, or just ...
It’s not just a job. It’s a portfolio. And you’re the portfolio manager. I’m the kind of guy that can’t seem to keep my hands out of a lot of different things. If you’re like me, you know what ...
Thoreau once observed, “It is very rare that you meet with obstacles in this world which the humblest man has not faculties to surmount.” The pursuit of any worthwhile venture hits obstacles. There are obstacles of our own ...