On the podcast: In this last episode (for now) of the BoldIdea podcast, Armin and I discuss why we’ve had to make the tough call to shift our focus to other projects.
When adversity strikes, we often wonder why. We’re tempted to search for immediate answers in hopes of returning life to normal. We may ask ourselves, “What’s God trying to teach me in this?”
On the podcast: Leah Archibald and her team at the Theology of Work are asking how to connect our daily work to God’s plan — and it’s a question she explores on the podcast with us today…
Henry Ford famously said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”
As a leader, you know how important learning is to stay ahead of the game. You’ve got to be ...
On the podcast: Not every idea is meant to last forever. But how do you know when to say goodbye? We discuss four ways to know when to say goodbye to a bold idea on this podcast episode…
Burnout. It’s that heavy emotional and physical exhaustion that you feel from prolonged stress. Stay in it long enough and you’ll not only lose sleep, you’ll lose resilience and vitality in your overall health.
On the podcast: Matthew Thomas has traveled the world and taught across cultures and these are the questions his new book is hoping to share the answer to…
On the podcast: Sangram Vajre left a steady job for a complete unknown, and his wife told him he only had a year to make it work. Here’s how he made it happen...