As summer winds down, a lot of us take a look at what we haven’t accomplished among the myriad vacations and barbecues and nice days spent out in the sun. And we recommit: September 1st in our new January ...
One thing I’ve found to be helpful in pursuing a venture--no matter its form--is to occasionally take a mid-flight assessment. The key question to ask is this: Is pursuing this venture the best way to steward my talents right ...
Times of transition can be unusually unsettling. Whether it’s an unexpected job loss or an exciting new start, the one thing that’s certain is that things will not be what they’ve been--and you might need some truths to fall ...
Every venture worth pursuing is going to change you. Perhaps that’s why it’s so easy just to dream about someday, and not do something about it. We resist change--and so we settle. But I don’t want to settle.
On the podcast: In order to make progress on a truly bold idea, we have to push through the criticism and get to the other side. This is hardest when the critic is harshest: ourselves.
Think of introducing an idea to your organization like leading an armada. As the captain of the lead ship, you set the destination and the pace. But if you haven’t engaged the other captains in the armada on your ...
On the podcast: Jay Payleitner and his new book--The Jesus Dare--challenge us all, believers and non-believers alike, to take a hard look at what Jesus means to us…
You have a secret audience--the people you most want to impress. Who are they? Do they deserve a seat at the table? Read on to answer these questions and find out how to quiet those voices if they don’t ...
You’d like to get your seat on the leadership bus--or maybe move up a few rows. How do you improve your odds of getting a promotion? Three essential skills will make you stand out as a prospective leader and ...