Managing upward has never been easy. It’s especially challenging when you are working for someone who has poorly developed leadership and communications skills. Is there ever hope for change? Is it possible to inspire better leadership from your boss? ...
What leader doesn’t want to have deep influence on those around him or her? You do and I do. If we are going to make a difference in the world, we must take seriously the way in which we ...
As you ponder next year, ask yourself: How can I be a person of deep influence? Inescapably, you’ll conclude that having lasting and resonant influence takes more than simply polishing your leadership skills and technique. You must go deeper. ...
We’ve all seen messy leadership transitions. Unfortunately, some of the worst occur in our churches. That’s why when truly remarkable transitions occur, they deserve our attention, for there’s something in it for all of us to learn from. In ...
Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” If true, it follows that the most inspiring leaders will be those who help others become what ...
Memorial Day is the day we remember those who paid the greatest price for our freedom. It is honoring to pause and reflect on those who gave what they could never take back. These are the heroes whose sacrifices ...
Boy, if I only had a clone. Imagine how much more I could get done. Let’s pull on that thread for a minute. Just imagine that you can make a carbon copy of yourself and put them to work ...
How do you define a great leader? Here’s my definition: great leaders bring out the best in others to accomplish more than they imagined. Every leader I’ve admired possesses that quality. They inspired me to dig a little ...
What if Jesus were here today, running his own company—and you worked directly for him? What might you learn that you somehow missed from reading your Bible? We may relish the historical accounts of Jesus’ life, but they are ...
I just wrapped up my annual reading of the Bible. It was my number one read for 2013. Every year I gain new insights and important reminders to grow stronger in my faith. I’m particularly sensitive to passages that ...